Friday, December 24, 2010

Some things you can't plan for!!

The good news is that my Nicaragua trip is on schedule as planned.
  The not so good news is that, immediately on return from the trip I head for Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto for a double bout of eye surgery. Surgery one will involve the insertion of a radioactive disk behind my left eye to destroy a choroidal melanoma which has developed in my left eye over the past year or so.
 Surgery two, one week later, will involve the removal of the disk as well as the repair of any muscle and/or tissue that were cut during the initial procedure.
 Simple enough, and hopefully, complications down the road will be minimal.
   Looks like my planned two months off work will now be extended to three.
  For most people that might be considered a bonus. For me, Mr Type A,[ I need to do something RFN] that is not the case.
 Anyway, as I watch the waist deep snow outside my bedroom window, I am only 3 days away from bitching about the heat while sipping a cold one on a veranda in Granada. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it!!!!!!!!!!